Hey, I'm Mike!
I'm the home cook dad behind Home Cook Dad. I created this tiny corner of the interwebs to share simple, accessible recipes that any home cook can easily prepare for their family. I was born and raised in New Jersey, where I still live with my awesome family.

They may not look it, but my kids are remorseless eating machines!
Now I’m not some fancy, professionally trained chef. I’ve never worked in a commercial kitchen or restaurant and I’ve never been to culinary school. I’m just a self-taught cook who loves to learn and try new things.
Everything I've learned about cooking I've learned by watching other people cook (my parents, my in-laws), watching the Food Network and YouTube videos demonstrating different techniques, and good old-fashioned trial and error.
A Family of Foodies
Maybe I'm a little old-school, but family dinners have always been important to me and I've tried to impress that value into my kids.
We all have crazy schedules and between work, soccer practices, baseball games, track meets, and other activities, our days are pretty packed! Family diner is the one time we have to all sit down together